
While our roots are unequivocally in Africa, we have recently launched Latin America where, through our research and experience, we are able to craft equally as treasured adventures to select destinations.

Everyone has a particular hope or vision for a trip. Is it because you were exposed to the place or a scene at a young age, and have always dreamed of going? Is it because you have family history there? Did you read a compelling book? Or is it merely a respite from the day-to-day?

Whatever the reason, travel is a gateway to seeing the world through a different lens. It is personal, and it is valuable in time and resources.

With your vision – or if you don’t have one, we will help! – we will design for you what you hope for, and more. Delicately interweaving experiences in history, culture, wilderness, food and some surprises, the art of the design is what makes it all come to life.

Africa: Southern, East, North and West

Southern Africa

The diverse ecosystems of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, and South Africa make up this wildlife wonderland. From huge red dunes to massive deltas to towering woodlands and riverine forests, this region is seasonally spectacular.

East Africa

Often the Africa of the mind’s eye, there’s more to Kenya and Tanzania than wide open plains. Explore its highlands and coastal lowlands before continuing to the primate and wildlife outposts of Rwanda and Uganda. End on the Indian Ocean coasts and islands. What a combo!

Wine Travel

Experience South Africa’s best in luxury, ultra premium wines, curated (and guided, if you choose) by Steve Ryan.

North Africa

Morocco and Egypt are our go-to explorations here. We hardly need to list their flagship places but combine the classics with back-and-beyond explorations of oasis and the Red sea to make for a more unique take.

West Africa

History, culture, coast and far-and-away trade routes make this rare adventure for the intrepid spirit through Mali, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso and Togo.

Central and South America

Costa Rica

Take this well-known adventure travel destination to new heights with locals who known the secrets. From cloud forest to volcanoes to beach to the deep riches of the last primary rain forest – it is a wildlife scavenger hunt sure to reward.


So huge and so diverse, but there’s a standout here: The Pantanal. The best place to see caiman and jaguar.

The Galapagos & Ecuador

Darwin was onto something here…explore by land and boat, and then continue to the high peaks of the Andes, and the Incan history of Quito and Cuenca, and finish off in the Amazon.


Once a bit off-limits, a journey here is a unveiling of lesser visited South America: historic Cartagena, wild Bogota, the coffee lands and then jungle adventures.

Baja California

Close to home, and full of surprises. The inland highlands combined with the beach camp make for a very rewarding quick getaway. And the whales, oh, the whales!


Follow the trail of the Inca to see Macchu Picchu and carry on to  Lake Titicaca, the vibrant festivals of Lima and don’t miss the rainforest, too.